



通过声明未成年人, you’ll have the opportunity to pursue interests that might lie outside of your major. Gaining extra knowledge in an area that interests you can also help you in your future career! Not only will your skills and knowledge be more well-rounded, but you’ll also prove to future employers that you’re willing to work hard and exceed their expectations.


另一个次要的选择是 写小.

  • 英语小
  • 18个单位
  • 英语271:文学批评
  • 3

This course will introduce the major critical schools and controversies of the 20th century including New Criticism, 解构主义, 新历史主义, 心理, 和女权主义批评. 讲座, 阅读, and workshops will focus on the critical writing process and developing a strong written command of the variety of papers appropriate for an 英语 major.

  • 英语341:美国文学1
  • 3

This course will survey American literature from its beginning to 1850 including journals, 日记, 布道, and pamphlets with an emphasis on the writings of Irving, 霍桑, 坡, 和梅尔维尔. 先决条件: 201年英格 or 201年曾 or 202年曾.


  • 英语342:美国文学2
  • 3

This course will survey American literature from 1850 to 1945 emphasizing the literary movements of Realism, 自然主义, and the roots of modern American literature. 先决条件: 201年英格 or 201年曾 or 202年曾.

  • ENG 477: History and Development of the 英语 Language
  • 3

An overview of the history of 英语 and an examination of the development of the language through its linguistic elements, this course will include traditional and contemporary grammar, 语音学, 语法, 语义, 语言变化的模式, 方言, 拼字法, 词源, representative oral and written communication, 以及其他相关问题. 先决条件:(201年英格 or 201年曾 or 202年曾), 271年英格.


  • BSC 318:语言学
  • 3

This course will study language as a fundamental component of human beings by examining the link between experience, 文化, and language through the investigation of how language communicates, 变化, and is used strategically to accomplish social ends.

  • 从以下课程中选择一门:
  • 英语361:英国文学1
  • 3

This course will survey representative 英语 prose, 诗歌, and drama from the Anglo-Saxon period to 1800 and look at the 阅读 from such writers as the Beowulf, 乔叟, 莎士比亚, 多恩, 斯威夫特, 教皇, 和约翰逊. Students will also become acquainted with the literary heritage of the 英语-speaking world. 先决条件: 201年英格 or 201年曾 or 202年曾.

  • eng362:英国文学II
  • 3

This course will survey British literature from the late 18th through the 19th century considering the Romantic and Victorian approaches to life through the study and critical 讨论ion of such writers as Blake, 华滋华斯, 柯勒律治, 玛丽雪莱, 济慈, 坦尼森, 伊丽莎白·巴雷特·勃朗宁. 罗伯特·勃朗宁. 先决条件: 201年英格 or 201年曾 or 202年曾.

  • ENG 382:后殖民文学
  • 3

This course will provide an in-depth study of postcolonial theory and literature from South Asia, 非洲, and the Caribbean with 阅读 and 讨论ions focusing on postcolonial theory, 共同的主题, 文学技巧, 宗教的作用, and the question of personal and national identity. 先决条件: 201年英格 or 201年曾 or 202年曾. 提供隔年.

  • Choose 1 of the following courses not completed above:
  • 英语341:美国文学1
  • 3

This course will survey American literature from its beginning to 1850 including journals, 日记, 布道, and pamphlets with an emphasis on the writings of Irving, 霍桑, 坡, 和梅尔维尔. 先决条件: 201年英格 or 201年曾 or 202年曾.

  • 英语342:美国文学2
  • 3

This course will survey American literature from 1850 to 1945 emphasizing the literary movements of Realism, 自然主义, and the roots of modern American literature. 先决条件: 201年英格 or 201年曾 or 202年曾.

  • 英语361:英国文学1
  • 3

This course will survey representative 英语 prose, 诗歌, and drama from the Anglo-Saxon period to 1800 and look at the 阅读 from such writers as the Beowulf, 乔叟, 莎士比亚, 多恩, 斯威夫特, 教皇, 和约翰逊. Students will also become acquainted with the literary heritage of the 英语-speaking world. 先决条件: 201年英格 or 201年曾 or 202年曾.

  • eng362:英国文学II
  • 3

This course will survey British literature from the late 18th through the 19th century considering the Romantic and Victorian approaches to life through the study and critical 讨论ion of such writers as Blake, 华滋华斯, 柯勒律治, 玛丽雪莱, 济慈, 坦尼森, 伊丽莎白·巴雷特·勃朗宁. 罗伯特·勃朗宁. 先决条件: 201年英格 or 201年曾 or 202年曾.

  • ENG 380:女性文学
  • 3

An intensive study of literature written by women, this course will emphasize representations of gender in different cultural and aesthetic contexts and explore the unique contributions and genres particular to women's writing. 先决条件: 201年英格 or 201年曾 or 202年曾. 提供隔年.

  • ENG 382:后殖民文学
  • 3

This course will provide an in-depth study of postcolonial theory and literature from South Asia, 非洲, and the Caribbean with 阅读 and 讨论ions focusing on postcolonial theory, 共同的主题, 文学技巧, 宗教的作用, and the question of personal and national identity. 先决条件: 201年英格 or 201年曾 or 202年曾. 提供隔年.

  • ENG 383:现当代诗歌
  • 3

This course will survey 20th and 21st century 诗歌, poets, and literary movements. 先决条件: 201年英格 or 201年曾 or 202年曾. 提供隔年.

  • ENG 385:现当代小说
  • 3

This advanced survey course that will look at the development of literary modernism as represented in major European and American novels including such novelists as Proust, 乔伊斯, 伍尔夫, 福克纳, 和埃里森. 先决条件: 201年英格 or 201年曾 or 202年曾. 提供隔年.

  • ENG 387:现当代戏剧
  • 3

在本课程中,学生将阅读, 批判性的分析, 讨论, and evaluate selected plays from 1890 through the 21st century, 包括像易卜生这样的剧作家, 奥尼尔, 皮兰德娄, 洛尔卡, 米勒, 威廉姆斯, 和艾碧. 可能需要参加演出. 先决条件: 201年英格 or 201年曾 or 202年曾. 提供隔年.

  • ENG 389:电影作为文学
  • 3

An intensive study of films and screenplays as literature, this course will emphasize the elements unique to the genre within the context of the modern literary world. 先决条件: 201年英格 or 201年曾 or 202年曾.

  • ENG 391:儿童文学
  • 3

As a survey of the history of children's literature, this course will examine a wide variety of children's books and related media and strategies for use in the preschool and elementary classroom. 先决条件: 201年英格 or 201年曾 or 202年曾.

  • 英语441:美国主要作家
  • 3

Extensive reading and in-depth study of one or more significant American authors with special attention to their themes, 文学技巧, and traditions will be the focus of this course. 前提条件:前提条件:(201年英格 or 201年曾 or 202年曾)及(271年英格 or 341年英格 or 342年英格). 提供隔年.

  • 英语461:主要英语作家
  • 3

This course will include extensive reading and in-depth study of significant longer works by several 英语 authors with special attention to their themes and 文学技巧. 先决条件:(201年英格 or 201年曾 or 202年曾)及(271年英格 or 361年英格 or 362年英格). 提供隔年.

  • ENG 466:莎士比亚
  • 3

Critical reading and analysis of selected examples of 莎士比亚's histories, 喜剧, and tragedies will be the focus of this course. 先决条件:201年英格 or 201年曾 or 202年曾), 271年英格.

当前的学生, please note: The requirements listed here may not reflect the most current courses for this minor and may not be the requirements for the catalog year you are following to complete your minor. 请参阅 学术目录 for official requirements you must meet to qualify.
